As for these dreams which fall across our broken slate of a mind, etched across the shingles and pieces, preparing for the dawn and shallow awakening; they are like meaningless feathers, floating and flying across our conciousness and deepest chasms of disbelief, briefly touching the walls of our state and leaving their faint impressions to be remembered by. Whether or not they carry any slivers of truth, a shaft of light from behind a glimmering cloud, or merely entertanings of the imagination, it seems we will never know.
Run Run Run
red trees under the street light haze most things will flood and fade so if i stand here very still will you move this forword and set a pace and like my way of life it's fairly touch and go or at least i like to pretend it's that way but really it's all or nothing though i'm in a place of change right now like the stars turn around as will my view and i'm trying to find a new way of holding on to you it's called this door wont close but you'll have to pull hard like remember the time i said i left my heart in your car well that's still true but im trying to find it no i'm trying to hide the fact that i forgot it there and even though i'm so torn because i'd truely like to be closer to your beautiful face i'm finding myself a couple steps away maybe because im afraid but also because i know here is safe
A Small Explaination (Afterthought: Not So Small)
Why, how, and for whom I write:
First and most importantly, I write because God has given me a gift and a passion for writing.
It is how I express my feelings and thoughts, how I capture experiances and moments, how I tell stories, and how I try to show and relate the beauty that I see and feel around me.
I absolutely love to write, so I do it as often as I can. I usually write when I am talking to God because it is the way I have found I am most able to express how I feel and say what I want to say the best I can in these small human terms. I write when I feel emotional, whether happy, sad, meloncholy, confused, content, frustrated, whatever. I write when it's sunny outside, or when it's rainy, or grey, or snowy. I write about people I see. One of my favorite ways to write is imagining person or personality(who isn't real) and creating a story about them or how they feel. I write when I feel like singing or when I have something I like on the piano.
I write about family and my immence love for them. I write to God when I am so content with his blessings, or when I am crying out of hurt and confusion. I write about my friends and my care and musings about them. I write about myself and what I think of myself. And yes, I'm a real live 17 year old girl, I write about boys. When I like them, when I'm curious about them, when they bother me or hurt me. It's all there. To tell you the truth, the emotion I have the hardest time writing about is love, regarding anyone, because it's so huge and I never seem to have words good enough for it. Maybe someday.
I also highly enjoy reading other people's writings. From famous musicians to my own friends...it is so inspiring, I love when other people write.
I started blogging because I remember hearing somewhere that writing was like any other skill that took practise and the more you did it the better you got, so I decided I would practise. At first I gave myself a goal to write one thing a day...now I usually write a couple things every day just because I want to. Having everything on a blog gives me a chance to look back and revamp old writings, as well as see what was going on in my life at that time because this is basically a creatively written journal. It also gets my writings out there into the big scary internet, and I get the chance to have my writing critiqued by others.
So that is about myself and writing. This is now my 6th month of blogging and approximately my fourth year of writing. I am more passionate about it than ever and I hope that I will continue to grow in it. I encourage everyone to write because it is a very beautiful and I think native way of expressing things. And by native I mean it is subconciously familiar to us even if we don't know it.