Monday, February 09, 2009


I wish we could all understand, but I suppose that would lose the mystery. Without this we are all gods ourselves. There's no one I would trust to rule my world, not even myself. Equality always find away down the drain. I wish it weren't so.

So this must point to our destination, imperfection. Or at least who we've been.

I wonder how we get anywhere else then? How we find good? If there is imperfection, shouldn't there be an opposite? Perfection? And when does this ever reveal itself? With all the other speculations it seems to be an impossiblity. Until after death that is, yet some don't even get there.

I personally hope there is such thing as perfection, and also hope some day I'll meet it.


It's definitely good I have everything together
So everyone can count on me
It's good I have strong shoulders
So you can just lean on me
It's good my stamina is endless
So you keep pushing and pushing
It's good I'm not falling a part yet
So you know I'll come through this time...

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Wrapped up
For her life
With a knotted bow
On top
Never ever

She knows
What's inside
Knows the beauty
Loves the light
But none
Have seen

Can hardly wait
To give it
And hidden
The reciever
Will faint
When they open
This gift