Monday, July 03, 2006

Life and Love After Mass Destruction

We took one breathtaking leap to the edge of our seats
The sky began to fall apart in your eyes
I've seen vicious storms and I've seen torrential rains
But I've never seen an explosion quite this bright

And for a moment I lost you to the earth
It was dark and I forgot my own worth
But then a dazzling light filled my eyes
And now everything shines a little more bright

I found the shards of washed up glass
Piecing them together to create a mosaic of light
Something to illuminate the ways of the past
The way it was before this shimmering destruction

And why did you look back when they burnt it all
Don't know know you're a pillar of salt
And how can you expect me to hold you in
Your so delicate I can't even begin

After finding my way around the scattered remains
I was dusty and tired and weighed down by the load
Somehow you met me inbetween, a wreck like me
You really did look most beautiful then

I am nothing but outerwear
I will slowly rust and tear
But you are my glittering inside
So please don't hide


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