Thursday, July 31, 2008

Holy Crap

I'm breaking to know you'll still want me when I'm done
When my eyes are cried out and you're mopping me up off the floor
I'm inside out and you love me beautifully
I just need to know that

Monday, July 28, 2008


Small child grab my fingers and shout in repetition

I remember you in just split second glimmer

I've blended two words together with a scan of a 600 page

Your response is automatic while you've understood everything

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I haven't quite reconciled myself with the way of love
But I have come to recognize that it is also an equal adventure
Of its own unique creation.

Last night, I almost let it slip
It lazily rose up my throat and onto my tongue
Unexpected trickery
I froze and quickly forced out a goodbye
And those words were hushed and sent far far away

I was startled by where they even came from
It wasn't as though I had been mulling over them for weeks
Letting them sit and ferment
Until any such time when by their eagerness they bubble out
It was like a gasp which escapes your body without plan or force
But unlike this, it was the gasp which gave me the fright


I saw you pass
Just the back of your head
In fact I'm not even sure it was you
But this is the only place I'd know you to be

When I finished whatever was so important to me at the moment
I ran after you through the aisles, outside and inside
I finally stopped in the middle of place feeling lost and disheartened

There was nothing I would have said
Maybe just let you know I still exist

Monday, July 07, 2008

Rock and Tree

The sun has been inhibited this afternoon and clouds saunter across its face, taking its attention from the surface of the earth and drawing it to closer things.
After a while it finally burns through the passersby and is left unbothered to crystallize and purify the dirt, lake, treetops, mountain.
I hesitate by a shallow, muddy pool and I reach out to you, who stands by the path.
My hand is around your slender body and the moment seems to develop slowly. Who are you? Cool and strong, it is as though your life has flown into my fingertips and I can barely let go. It's a fresh taste in my mouth.
Later while climbing I refuse to be stunted by the terrain. I clammer ahead. The sun continues to light but the wind is jealous and tears away the heat from all smaller beings. It whips and controls and my body fights to maintain some sort of balance. In descent the earth is loose and shifting, and I reach down to find a hold. Again my breath is taken by your warm touch, sharp and muted, only changed by the the astronomic forces of this planet.
My hand spreads flat and I hope to take you by osmosis and have you flowing in my blood.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Miss Vanity and Mr Infatuation

I hope for you
Just so you'll look at me
I'll be nothing to you
But at least I'd know you wished
So all my dreams are just you thinking about me
I finally meet you and you're too shy to speak
I see in your eyes exactly what you mean
When this all adds up, you're madly in love, and I am satisfied

Thursday, July 03, 2008

I Am Solar Powered

I finally remember to drag myself outside
The soul is lethargic today and oddly functioning
I am able to lay flat in view of the sun
And my skin becomes a solar panel
Broadening the surface area and opening the pores

Please sun, give me serotonin or endorphins
Something to move me into this day
A fuel or some sort of sustenance
Because I feel as though my limbs are seizing and decaying

Causing me to fall and stumble through the day
I am fearful of this tomorrow
Please sun, be out again