Saturday, September 29, 2007


I spent the day
Trying to share heaven with a zoom lens
Vowing not to think of anything but what is around me now

I tried to put it into cognition, but it's harder than it seems
The fact that I hate it and want to quit, but can't help but feel
Yes you read it's simply feeling that I despise
But it's all that I can do not to let the truth ooze through
The truth that I'm jam packed with emotion and it's daily sinking me
But that's me, some call it passion
I call it instability.
Oh well
I need a level-headed man

And on that note I'll apologize now
I can't say it to your face, but you knew that anyways
I'm cocky and self-amused. I'll cast some blame, I think you fueled it.
But it wasn't right in the first place

So where does that leave me?
Trying to figure out if I should grow a garden
Liking this magical world
Wondering if it would be better with a physical being to share it
Mesmorised with the thoughts in my head
Inviting God in, as I more often should

I'd really like to grow a garden


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