Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Deep Dark Woods (thank you for your music)

red heart beating there is a spectacular pulse, the way you turn your head, the way you lift your eyes, you are like a hurricane but i am reaching out from the inside

breakers on the west coast, voices in the woods, like three melodic ghosts who sweetly lull through the night, yes you have caught me in silvery webs spun by the fingers of your mother who lives in the birch and sleeps in the earth

painted totems are raised in my soul, speaking to your spirits, speaking to your arrested breaths, you wont look wont sit wont listen, you are afraid of what? of it all, please be near my totems are calling, whispering if you will hear them, they whisper silently, their mouths are made of warm trees, come closer they all want you to know

creaking and breaking and snapping with the force, i am lonely with force, helpless with force, confused with force
i bend to the will of mother nature and her sons, i fly with the wind and careen with current, i cannot keep the soil beneath my feet, i am burried with the landslide
hopeless! i cannot take you, i do not want you in my spirit, it leaves me so fragile and pail and thin, i am wasting away every moment you invade, hopeless please leave me, it is not you that i want, it is the smiling hearts who drift near me, letting their voices softly sing


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