Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My House

I've lost the feeling that sits in the top of my stomach
Either I lost it or it is burried
And I like to think it's burried

It's a skill of mine,
Locating my feelings and noticing where they live in my body
Sometimes they swap doors, and I have to learn who shares with who
But usually I can trust that they're either sitting or pacing their normal halls
Or they are out

Happiness sits in the top of my stomach
But it sometimes shares with The-Knowledge-of-Not-Right
I love it when Happiness is in, instead of the other
Because the other often has tea with Disappointment

In my chest, tangled in my rib cage, is Fear
And Panic
Sometimes Surprise makes a pleasent appearance, but only on monumental occasions
Behind them, in the lungs, is Anxiety
Who often chats over the fence with those in the ribs
And even further in, there is vast cavern of the heart
Where Joy and Brokenness take turns decorating the rooms

Usually I can look around, welcome them in, or ask them politely to leave
Right now, Happiness could be suffocated by Brokenness
Or gone


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