Friday, August 11, 2006


Oh so frantic, windy and pale
If you gulp back your fears and your tears
If you are crushed beneath silence and soft lights above
Don't hold the thoughts that brush across your eyes
Closing them quietly and leaving you to fade
Fade, slowly fade until the picture is white
The painter's handcrafted image left
Left with a brush stroke of a defaced and howling thing
Oh what will this bring
Not the gems of desire
Not simple substances of dreams, not sleep
Not the careful touch that runs across your shoulders
Not a shiver in the warmth of the night

So leaving the broken glasses upon the floor
And flowers upon the post
Walking the breadth and leaving the room
So far so good and nothing more to do
But wait until another hair slips down your neck
Like a teardrop down the face of the one you last left
Do you remember speaking sorry like it was a simple word
Like a story or a lullaby you sang once upon a time
And though your basket filled to the brim
It did not overflow
You did not stop to look beneath the cover
What did you collect
But some washed up pieces of driftwood
Some shells and some clay
Even these can be treasure you cry and you pray
But once they have crumbled
And you've finally made sure
That there is nothing less of keeping
And nothing more to score
Once you've hung your head under moonlight
And turned your eyes from the sun
You will finally find a pathway
A distance from the shore
The shore of deep remorse and insufficientcy
Oh to leave it you are glad
But the parting ways is troublesome
Who will guide the way
As your face slowly draws colour
From the handrail and passing trees
You see a light of glory
You see a light of breath
A light to make things whole
And not a slight but a reach of the hand
Lifts you further into the space
The space of deep assurance and balance
You will find the inconsistancy, yes, it will be there
But suddenly you have drawn from a source
Not a mist of passing and fleeting
You are suddenly aware


At 12:06 AM , Blogger Joel said...

Nice stream of consciousness Alex. I look forward to more.


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