Wednesday, December 19, 2007


From the analyzed collections of a tired mind
I refused to be in check tonight
But rather lay it bare like I did before
So you can guess and presume what I mean from what you knew

I'm sickened to the core by my own hidings
I'm sickened to the hilt in my own fright
Because honestly they can call it a chance encounter
And I can call it whatever I want, blaming it on my gut reactions and whatever feelings may blow themselves out of proportion in my dark empty cell
Because you never can tell
That's what I like to sell
To myself
When I don't want to feel it anymore
I'll sell you short if it lowers my impression, or expectation,
Or whatever it is that I have lingering of you

Well that's bullshit for sure
Often I know what's wrong and what isn't right and what's protecting myself and protecting you because most of the time I just want to fight since I know I'd win
But here it is, shoot! I want to yell profanities at this!
This is a cliff hanger and I've never been one for it, at least not in this sense.
This is one of those "look back at this and smile because you pridefully left yourself out to dry" moments
But I know it and I did it and you can take it or leave it but I simply am worth it so bottom line it's here
Fair and square I win this for just being brave
I might leave this ranting and raving
But I wont get called for misbehaving because in this open ended world it seems to be those who suffer who suffice, for the glory of reality and the abrasiveness of life

So here am I, buckled up in open air, does nothing for you but keep you aware


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