Sunday, May 13, 2007

Goodbye: A Rebuttal

Many thoughts, seemingly belief defining ones, have rolled around my mind these past few days. What is it about a closing and opening chapter, or more so the hallway between these two, that causes one to define themselves, or at least some of the many faces? Perhaps it's things still left unsaid, or a much prolonged work in progress that is only now coming to sum. Maybe and more likely, it is the opening of a new Pandora's Box the still "unknown" and there are things to be understood before full comprehension, or even beginning to comprehend. I think there is a simple answer which is "I am always at the beginning". My desire and gusto for change comes from a lack of belief in ending and more of a solid hope of continuation. We never fully know The Truth, we only climb the rungs of the ladder. Not rungs of status and achievement, but of enlightenment and knowledge. Of experience and appreciation. Of "falling more in love". That is where my hope lies, in becoming closer to Love. Love as the surrounding, everlasting, powerful, omnipotent, masterful, beautiful, Creator of creation. To love, and to pour it from within myself, is second in importance. And this alone is of greater value than any virtue or trait or habit I could ever learn. But to delve into Love itself...this is the highest comprehension I ever seek. The deepest breath I ever breath. The greatest life I could eve live. To find Him, not in a stagnant life but in an ever changing challenge, pushing me in the rapids of His unfathomable magnificent plan, and by His grace and deepest sweet delight, showing me a thread in the universe of His infinite being. So I press on, handicapped in goodbyes because of my willingness to greet the future, but learning to hold on to the vitality of what is present and true: the great gift of now learned steps. Closer than I was before. A greater capacity to love and a deep appreciation of those who have found me in their hearts. This is and end to nothing, I refuse to believe such a thing. For one never closes a friendship nor does one stop their journey for sake of looking behind. We would all be pillars of salt then. I will press on in fervent ambition, and forever hold close the set pattern which has been learned here in my heart.


At 10:17 PM , Blogger Josh said...

the sentence about the pillars of salt is very clever

At 2:15 PM , Blogger glynis said...

You are one of the most elegantly eloquent people I know.


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